31 missing Dallas-Fort Worth children recovered, rescued after month-long operation, officials say
The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas announced Wednesday, 31 children from the Dallas-Fort Worth area have been located, recovered or rescued after a month-long operation led by the U.S. Marshals Service and Homeland Security Investigations. Federal agencies partnered with f..
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/31-missing-dallas-fort-worth-children-recovered-rescued-after-month-long-operation-officials-say/ar-BB1esPiwFors tecoveted mean bodies?

The article states that the children have been located, recovered or rescued. It says nothing about any "body" being recovered. Hope thats helpful...

Child of God. Proud conservative American holding the line. Matthew 22:37-38
Yes, thanks!

Child of God. Proud conservative American holding the line. Matthew 22:37-38
Sorry- Does recovered mean bodies?