CodeMonkeyz (Telegram) - Over the past few years, I was followed around by Cullen Hoback as he filmed a documentary about online free speech. We discussed lots of topics and it seems the documentary is going to be released in a week or two. I’ve turned down hundreds of interview requests from the world’s top publications over the past few years knowing that one day this documentary would be released.
Q: Into the Storm. From Director Cullen Hoback and Executive Producer Adam McKay, the six-part#HBO original documentary series explores the origins of QAnon.... https://youtube.com/watch?v=rK_Gf9H2CWI
Code Monkey said on Twitter that CodeMonkeyZ on Telegram was not him. There are many of Telegram impersonating others. Beware.
watch the trailer.....it is Ron
Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
Anybody now where to find him? Twitter banned him.. CMZ
I think 1/2 of the accounts on Telegram are fake
he is on gab but hasnt posted in 2 months. last post he said it was time to move one and accept the election. hust another fraud