i do remember years ago trump tweeted vaccines and autism and the dangers of vaccines ,im struggling to read between the lines too ,all i can think is all the covid vaccine
injury stories we are hearing is fake and controlled by white hats and is destroying the vaccine narrative and its just saline solution . does anyone first hand no of a covid vaccine injury ?

Former Air Force Cyber officer. Combat tours: Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan. Information & Influence Operations.
I'm just as confused as everyone else about this, and I trust Trump, but I'm not getting that vaccine and neither is my family. Probably best to take a deep breath and wait for more info to come out, as you know it will. 😎#NCSWIC

This is truely the most confusing thing for me. Why he's pushing these dangerous vaccines when he knew of HCQ and other preventitive medicines. I can only hope there is something we don't know about cause this could really hurt him down the road.

Throw Us to the Wolves if you will, We'll Come Back Leading the Pack!
Hes not really talking about the Vaccine...read between the lines. Things are happening and shots are being done, just not all are due to a vaccine! Have a Bless even.

THIS VACCINE HORROR WILL BE TRUMPS DOWNFALL in the FUTURE. MANY THOUSANDS HAVE ALREADY DIED and many MORE have serious helath effects from the NONVACCINE. OF those hwo have reported in the US over 600 people have died of those who reported it, and over 15,000 have had serious adverse effects.

if this vaccine is so bad why is trump pushing it?

I understand that millions of Patriots understand that “shot” means something very different (indictment, justice). I also understand that the 5G HZ levels in China that were affecting 2nd dose-takers will not harm Americans because DJT changed the HZ levels in 2019. AND there must be more to the story because I just do not believe our President Trump would promote harm to Americans. Surely our vaccines are either a combination of Queretin, Zinc, and Vitamin D instead of what is killing people. Perhaps the dangerous vaccines are not being given to us. However, if you die within a year of taking the vaccine, insurance won’t pay your beneficiary because it is deemed “experimental.” And Q’s last post was “We’re not gonna take it.” So your question remains intriguing.

Just here to learn things not do individual chats
I CERTAINLY would not be bragging about that and how many it has killed and affected. I know he was trying to get things right but this was TOO rushed and in some places FORCED to take that is not ok that is not the President Trump that I voted for 2x

Trump is forceing no one. He has said "Some will want it, some won't." Only employers, etc are forcing it--they are part of the problem! My sense is he knew people would remain in fear and in shut-down mode if it didn't become available. He spoke often of the "vaccine" for the "virus"--code globalists/CCP = virus; taking them out = vaccine. He has not put his life on the line or those of his family only to have this all fall apart. Still there is collateral damage which is far less than what the globalists had planned for us. With their plan, if Hillary had won, most of us likely would no longer be alive or, if alive, in extremely hellish conditions.