#2) Article 11 LoW manual-what work can be done by Protected Persons aka the military and U.S. Marshals.
A Protected person is anyone who is being paid by the occupying state but does so out of commitment to article 11. Even though they work for the occupying country they are not loyal to it and are only there to follow the guidelines of article 11. There can be other persons who are there that are not considered Protected Persons because they are employed by the Occupying force and are not loyal to America. This is a list of what a protected person can and can not be forced to do. And yes you read it correctly they can also use the police, fire, ambulance and whatever other department they need for their welfare. This must all be paid for by them but when you own the world banks that is not an issue. BUT... They do not own AF1, The Beast or the White house Presidential home and that is why you don't see Biden using any of those.
More in#3