This is pretty HUGE! "Treating homosexuality 'like an addiction -- you never stop being an alcoholic'" says Milo. Establishment media have described Milo Yiannopoulos as a "right-wing provocateur," and his appearances on college campuses sometimes have been accompanied by leftist rioting.
Many on the left apparently found it hard to comprehend a gay man supporting conservative views.
Now, Yiannopoulos had another paradox for them to ponder as he identifies himself as "ex-gay." ⚡️- RivrT of Stop the Madness channel on Telegram – Please Subscribe@GoodTrumpsEvilEveryTime Please comment and forward so others can learn, too.
Milo Yiannopoulos comes out as ex-gay
Milo Yiannopoulos often is described in legacy media reports as being a "right-wing provocateur," and his speaking appearances on college campuses often have been accompanied by leftists rioting in the streets.