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John and John - both good men, with a solid friendship.

We share very few sentiments with our government.

In response Tiffany R369 to her Publication

The CIA’s response claimed, “We did not locate any responsive records that would reveal an openly acknowledged CIA affiliation with the subject.” In reference to classified records, they also said that they can “neither confirm nor deny having such records.”

The CIA is denying any involvement with Barlow.

We share very few sentiments with our government.

In response Pike Bishop to his Publication

More from article:

“I was introduced to this world by a former spy named Robert Steele, who called me in the fall of 1992 and asked me to speak at a Washington conference that would be ‘attended primarily by intelligence professionals.’” Barlow also wrote, “Steele’s conference was attended by about 600 members of the American and European intelligence establishment, including many of its senior leaders.”

The CIA’s open source coordinator, Paul Wellner, invited Barlow to the CIA Headquarters after this conference. Barlow continued writing, “in early 1993, I passed through the gates of the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.”

...If Barlow is writing in Forbes about how he not only spoke at a conference in front of 600 intelligence officers (including many senior leaders), but also how he entered the CIA headquarters only months later, how laughable is it that the FOIA request filed by by Outtrim resulted in the CIA denying any “openly acknowledged CIA affiliation” with Barlo

We share very few sentiments with our government.

In response Pike Bishop to his Publication


Barlow’s EFF once helped win a lawsuit against the Secret Service, sponsoring Steve Jackson Games in the lawsuit, which is described by the New York Times as a “small book publisher.” This is pretty far from the truth. From my history (owning Steve Jackson products), I immediately recognized Steve Jackson Games as the creators of the “Illuminati Card Game,” created in the 90s. This card game has been shown to have predicted events such as 9/11, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Aurora theatre “Batman” shooting, and even the Las Vegas Shooting. A simple analysis of Steve Jackson Games should reveal that they aren’t some simple role-playing game company as is widely reported. After all, they were initially raided in relation to an online document leak about the 9-1-1 system on their servers.

We share very few sentiments with our government.

In response Pike Bishop to his Publication

Barlow had some connections. More from article:

According to Barlow, he also had a profound effect on one of the world’s most notable “hacktivists,” Aaron Swartz. Barlow went to speak at Swartz’s middle school when Swartz was only 12 years old. Barlow has claimed that Swartz’s father told him that Aaron came home a changed person after this day. Swartz grew up to become a household name with activists, becoming akin to Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.
s co-created by James Dolan and Kevin Poulsen. SecureDrop quickly became one of the most useful tools for whistleblowers and journalists, allowing whistleblowers to anonymously drop sensitive documents to journalists or news organizations, and even communicate with them while maintaining anonymity...
(Side note: Q has always maintained that misspellings matter, and there may be some worthwhile digging into how he spelled Poulsen as “Paulsen” in post 770.)

We share very few sentiments with our government.

In response Pike Bishop to his Publication


There are numerous conspiracy theories about Swartz’s death, but Swartz isn’t the only SecureDrop founder to have died by suicide. Shortly after Swartz, co-founder Dolan committed suicide. Both reportedly died by the hanging, less than a month apart.

Article is loaded:
Q post 770 (above, February 15, 2018), tells us that Snowden is now a liability as Barlow was. In post 760, on the same day, Q told us that Swartz’s SecureDrop is now used to send out the 4am narrative. This “4am narrative” is why you see media doing the exact same thing at the same time. This is why they all wear masks on camera, but not off, as seen by CNN here and MSNBC here . This is why you can see videos of local affiliates to mainstream media saying the exact same thing (IE: “This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.”

...Q has frequently alluded to an ongoing war between the NSA and the CIA. It is commonly accepted that the entire Qanon operation is based on using the NSA to turn spying tools against those who have used them against the American public.

In response Pike Bishop to his Publication

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We share very few sentiments with our government.

In response Pike Bishop to his Publication

Notorious connections
Snowden, who was working for the CIA at the time, openly admitted that he only took the NSA contract in order to leak information about the NSA’s PRISM surveillance program.
In Q post 628... Q was taunting Snowden and mentioned a “contractor.” The contractor that Snowden was working for during his sabotage of the NSA was Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) , which was called “the World’s Most Profitable Spy Organization,” by Bloomberg News...

...James Clapper was once the Vice-President of BAH. He is currently a major player in the “Obamagate” investigations into how our intelligence agencies broke the law to illegally surveil a duly elected president. Clapper also lied to Congress about spying on American citizens.

...John Brennan, former CIA director, also worked for BAH – and he is also a major player in the unconstitutional spying during Obamagate.

BAH also has close ties to the Clinton Foundation.

Another notable figure that worked for BAH is Dov Zakheim.

We share very few sentiments with our government.

In response Pike Bishop to his Publication

Dov Zakheim:

1993 – His company, System Planning Corporation, had a subsidiary called Tridata Corporation, which was the company that “oversaw” the investigation of the 1993 WTC bombing

2000 – Part of the neocon Project for a New American Century, he is co-author of “Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” in which he is credited with the infamous line, “… some catastrophic and catalyzing event “like a new Pearl Harbor.”
2001 – He is appointed Comptroller of the Pentagon, in which $2.3 trillion promptly goes “missing”
2001 – Attack on 9/11 occurs; some people are suspicious of his connections, since his company, SPC, is involved in flight systems capable of remote controlling aircraft, and because he was the guy who leased 32 Boeing 767 aircraft to McDill Air Force Base (2 of the 9/11 aircraft were 767’s), and McDill is close to Elgin AFB, which was the location that was to be used if Operation Northwoods had gone live
2004 – Goes to work for Booz Allen Hamilton.

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