I don't see enough people asking their own questions on here.

I see too many people parrotting the wrong questions asked by the wrong people, engineered to lead to wrong conclusions.

Conclusions that open the gates to being more accepting of hate and violence, misinformation and hidden agendas camouflaged as the truth.

I am again being shown how impossible it can be to give someone the perspective to realize that they are trapped in this wrong mode of thinking.

People need to stop outsourcing their critical thinking to cult leaders and I don't care if that makes you think of Q, Biden, Trump, MSM, Telegram channels, AOC, VK or whatever. This is true for all camps and it is a very prevalent problem here.

If you have tips to get people to more often question what their leaders of choice want them to believe, hit me with it.


In response J.J. Jameson to his Publication

Do you think Q and Trump 'followers' are akin to a cult? Just curious--was reading a few of your comments. I think the word 'cult' is being thrown around too much these days, but I'm not saying you don't have every right to have that opinion, of course.

In response Earnest T Bass to his Publication

Great question! I appreciate you asking. This will be a long one, so I apologize in advance.

The definition for cult is not clear cut, so let me rephrase your question before giving you my take. Do I think Q and Trump "followers" exhibit cult-like qualities?
Yes, I do. What do I mean by that?

Something that I observe a lot in these communities is the complete inability to admit mistakes and failures, and a complete lack of perspective towards other viewpoints or causes beyond one's preferred belief. So, in the eyes of some people Q, Trump, or other individuals are infallible. If something is amiss, an explanation is quickly found. The facts are reinterpreted and twisted to match with the image of infallibility.

But here's the thing: Everyone messes up. Everyone. If you cannot admit that about someone, that is where the cult starts in my opinion.


In response J.J. Jameson to his Publication

Another component that is extremely present on Telegram in particular, is that any individuals who do show doubt, or want to discuss things in a less reinforcing way, are often shunned and/or removed from communities. If you spent time acquainting people in a group and you don't want to lose them, you are forced to go along with *everything* they say. That is how you get praise and establish yourself as a "Truther". You can't accept some things and refute others. That is interpreted as "not being awake yet," or even as you being a shill for the left.

This type of conditioning in itself is highly suspect, but it only gets worse by the type of messages that it is actually applied to.

A lot of the things shared in these groups, as well as here, is very controversial. Let's put aside truth for a moment. Things are controversial. So controversial, in fact, that Q "followers" and co. are often becoming estranged from friends, familiy, etc.


So your old support network is slowly becoming smaller and shakier, while there is a group waiting with open arms for you to double down on those views. This can be a dangerous dynamic that ends up spiralling people *deep* into this group very fast, and as stated above, it is very hard to escape from. Doubly so now that your old support network is already crumbling.


In response J.J. Jameson to his Publication

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In response J.J. Jameson to his Publication

wahhhh wahhhh wahhhh... you need a wambulance? or a shot of testosterone?

In response Patricia Nitz to her Publication

Can you elaborate?

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In response J.J. Jameson to his Publication

The last aspect I want to address is the polarizing and antagonistic way in which communication happens. Almost everything I read here is fuelling an "Us vs. Them" narrative, and it is made very clear that you don't want to be "Them". Sometimes it is the left, sometimes it's billionaires, sometimes it's non-religious folk, sometimes it's other people like you and me that question the wrong thing or speak up. There is always an enemy in the line of sight, dangled in front of you as both a deterrent to show that if you're not "Us", you're "Them" and as this imminent danger, that you need to be angry at or protected from.

So, in summary, you have a group that shuns dissenters, a leader that is absolute, an ever-present enemy and a feedback loop that makes joining the party a one-way trip.

Would you call it a cult?


In response J.J. Jameson to his Publication

Thanks for explaining. I agree agree with aspects of your point and disagree with a couple of others.
I know what it's like to really get shunned from a group big time.
But, I don't think your average Q or Trump 'supporter' are very cult-like, maybe by some personal, broad definition, but not really in a classical 'cult' way.
I've had so many conversations with people who agree and disagree with me- and conversations with people who agree with me on some things and not on others.
There's always going to be some people who are set in their ways and not willing to consider other opinions, but for me, when it comes to Q- I just look around me and it's hard not to 'believe' in it. The plan is happening right before our eyes. As far as Trump goes? I happen to think he's on the right side of history. This Globalism/Marxism stuff is for the birds.
So if you don't 'believe' in Q or think it's a cult, that's cool with me- I just don't agree with that theory.

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