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Did you know that WATER is now on Wall Street? I feel like it just flew under the radar of all things 2020.
This is very dangerous territory! I already have a vendetta against the Nestles of the World. They steal our clean water, bottle it in petroleum products that poison our bodies and pollute our earth, and then sell it back to us.... but NOW, H2O is a freaking tradeable commodity for profit! This should alarm you!
What is stopping them from poisoning and polluting water supplies as a business incentive.
Think about it! The more water that is contaminated and the less water that is available and clean, the more money you can charge for it.
What could be in the water?
Organic flavours
Natural Flavours
Artificial flavours
Shop Flow Alkaline Spring Water
Get Flow Alkaline Spring Water cases delivered for free to your home, office or business with an eco-friendly electric SUV.
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well, the lemon makes it acidic.