They were ABSOLUTELY prepared for election rigging and voter fraud. Zero doubt in my mind. Trump even hinted that it was going to happen on his election night speech (including the time that the phony ballots would be dumped). Moreover, they were absolutey prepared for the "capital riot" and for Pence to betray the American people.
We have every reason to believe Trump and his people knew everything that was going to happen. But knowing he knew doesn't help any of this make any more sense. I thought I understood back when I was on the "people have to wake up" bandwagon, but I don't see people waking up at all and what's more, you can't wake them with these slow drips. You need HARD EVIDENCE via the EBS.
So yes, I'm positive he knew everything, but I'm much less sure about why we're being forced to endure this for ONE FULL QUARTER OF A YEAR with no end in sight. I know this isn't a popular stance around here but I have to be honest: I am not happy with Donald Trump right now.
Spot on. You summed up all my thoughts on this.