Ezra Ingersoll (b.1700) married to Elizabeth Lockwood (b. 1702) Marriage date not listed. Source: Ingersoll Family Bible geneology at U of Indiana. Elizabeth died 1821. They had 8 children, the youngest in 1812. No children given the name Ezra. No further history shown. Mike Pence is from Indiana. Does he fit in to the story somewhere too? A Lafe Pence is mentioned in the books. Is Ghost Ezra a play on Ezra's Ghost?

President Donald J. Trump Is Our Commander In Chief. U.S. Army Vietnam Era Veteran 6/72 -7/79 Ex Lead Guitarist
Or is he Ezra Cohen Watnik?

That's who I think Ghost Ezra is too. But could he be in the Ingersoll or Lockwood family tree somewhere by marriage? Why did we see ECW in the Kennedy kids Christmas "Timber" video? I didn't find any other generations after after Ezra and Elizabeth and their kids. The mystery deepens.