(Excerpt of Tesla’s obituary from the New York Times: January 9, 1943)
“If ever an inventor satisfied the romantic requirements of a Jules Verne novel it was Nikola Tesla. Communicating with Mars, plucking heat units out of the atmosphere to run engines, using the whole earth as an electrical resonator...transmitting power through space–it was to such possibilities that he devoted the last forty years of his long life.
He was… a first-class mathematician and physicist whose blueprints were plausible, even though they were far ahead of the technical resources of his day. He belongs to the passing age of heroic invention –
the age of technical poets who expressed themselves in generators, inductance coils and high-voltages rather than in drama and verse and were the real architects of this culture”
Read the full obituary here:
Pictured: Nikola Tesla, c. 1940.

I admire this man❗️So sad the way he was treated by the evil creedy doers 😔How the evil doers started their corruption on the word and their evil generations that came😔🤬🤬🤦🏽♀️

A truth seeker and researcher. Favorite number 17. Trump is the BEST President Ever. Freedom fighter. Digital Warrior. #WWG1WGA #GodWins

💕YHVH, YESHUA, FAM, PEACH PIE, AMERICA! TRUMP! 💕🙏👍🇺🇸🎶😎🌼→→👹🤺🤺🤺 New "Revis" Music:
Did you listen to my conversation with my mom just now?
I was telling her about Tesla and Edison...
I come over here and I see you posted this 25 seconds prior to me seeing your post!
We're on the same wavelength!💕🙏💕

A truth seeker and researcher. Favorite number 17. Trump is the BEST President Ever. Freedom fighter. Digital Warrior. #WWG1WGA #GodWins
There are no coincidences. I'm glad we all are still thinking and talking about him.
I wonder who has his missing 60 trunks of papers with all his inventions.
He's been on my mind lately watching all the evil work demon Elon is doing. I had a dream, that scared me greatly, that Elon is installing some sort of amplifier in space to create a border magnetic frequency or pulse.

A truth seeker and researcher. Favorite number 17. Trump is the BEST President Ever. Freedom fighter. Digital Warrior. #WWG1WGA #GodWins
Edison stole from Tesla.

If anyone ever read up on Tesla u wpuld kmow Edison stole his invention, Edison was never smart to come up with things on his owm

A truth seeker and researcher. Favorite number 17. Trump is the BEST President Ever. Freedom fighter. Digital Warrior. #WWG1WGA #GodWins

A truth seeker and researcher. Favorite number 17. Trump is the BEST President Ever. Freedom fighter. Digital Warrior. #WWG1WGA #GodWins

A truth seeker and researcher. Favorite number 17. Trump is the BEST President Ever. Freedom fighter. Digital Warrior. #WWG1WGA #GodWins