Earth Angel | Spiritual Energy Healer | Giggles Seeker | Starseed Goal: Making Earth Great Again!
The#George YT channel used to be called Anonymous HQ - I witnessed the changeover.
I am of the belief that George and Q are intertwined...

I know I'm not the only one who thinks Juan O Savin could be Jr.
Look at his book Kid By The Side Of The Road, it's like a big magazine and the writing style is similar to some of the articles in George.
All I know about Juan O Savin is one of the many Patriots helping to save the world. His movie THE CALLED has information and inspiration never before released until now.

Earth Angel | Spiritual Energy Healer | Giggles Seeker | Starseed Goal: Making Earth Great Again!
Juan O savin is not JFK Jr.
It's not his voice, Juan's is very gravely.
And I witnessed over on WeGo one of Jr's accounts post that he wasn't Juan and then edit to change it. It was all the chatter over a year ago, some channels thought he was and I wondered but I've come to conclusion that that would be a no.
I've never seen JFK Jr wear cowboy boots. Have you?