I received a check in the mail today. Looked it up and it is because one of these bankers & 23 of his other accomplices misrepresented the cost of loans, and charged fees without my permission. They were found guilty and now spending 120 months in prison , and lost his assets , or at least a huge part of them. Some of the other companies on this list i found very interesting too , Like Student Financiail Aid , and Student Aid Institute and many more ....
Payments to harmed consumers by case | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
When we take an enforcement action against a person or company for violating a consumer financial protection law, sometimes the person or company may have to compensate its consumers for the harm it caused.
https://www.consumerfinance.gov/enforcement/payments-harmed-consumers/payments-by-case/Congratulations!! Happy for you.
Thank you Diane😊