misleading false prophecy. God is pouring out his spirit, if your spiritual mind isnt badly damaged by the worldly mind all benevolent qualities will increase as such that it may make you gasp at its beauty. Let US NOT take from God and give to gods that dont exist. If religion has put you off thats a good thing because God hates religion. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2023&version=NLT or rather the religious and false. whats more is you are advised to persevere in YOUR doctrine, your LIFE to find salvation that may help others save themselves. There is no 5d, Gods intellect is infinite as is his love, such things are so amazingly elevative mankind seeks descriptions that actually limit how far we can go,,,like 5d.
Matthew 23 NLT - Jesus Criticizes the Religious Leaders - Bible Gateway
Jesus Criticizes the Religious Leaders - Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the