**Other changes intended to draw support include $750 million for the Economic Development Administration to help industries like tourism, $510 million for emergency food and shelter disaster assistance and $200 million more for Amtrak. Funding for public broadcasting and the Federal Trade Commission was also increased.** . . . . $200 Million MORE for Amtrak ? What ? We all watched Joe Biden the Pedo promote Amtrak.... Call me old fashion but these spending bills needs HIGHER regulations on what [THEY] can include... This is BS. How much money has Amtrak already received ? They need to spend the money on the PEOPLE who have been forced into this PlanDEMic.#Venting #wwg1wga 🇺🇸🦅

Amtrak, human trafficking, who do THEY haul cargo for. That is my take away.

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!
Didn't Hunter work for Amtrak? Where's Hunter?! 🤣

Proud to call myself awake & a Patriot. Planting seeds when I can. Joined AU after the Twitter Purge of '21. Glad I did.
The Senate passed it. Along party lines. There was one less Republican voting because he had to attend a family funeral, so the VP didn't have to break the tie. I wonder how high my taxes are going up to fund it.

Why is congress using We The People's money to finance businesses? If businesses need financial assistance, they should close. That's called capitalism.

Or they seek out appropriate funding they need!

For those interested in watching, its Live right now too .