Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts
My wife and delivered our first son in the passenger seat of our suburban because he was not going to wait for us to get to the hospital. What I witnessed was a farm like function at the maternaty ward when we arrived with him. The crazy thing is when she was birthing him instictively we new exactly what to do. God knew what he was doing when he created Man & Woman. My wife and I decided amd planned to deliver our 2nd son at our home. It was the most most beautiful, spiritual and amazing moments of our lives. Im not 100% sure if my first born is vaccine free because he was out of my site for almost 2 hours but he's had no vaccinations since leaving the hospital. My 2nd born is vaccine free, strong as a bull and just an incredibly beautiful 10 year old young man. I am a stong believer that children should be born at home.
Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts

when i re-read this I feel like it comes across as "check out how badass I am!!". That's not how I'm trying to come across at all. I apologize if that's how it's taken. My point is you dont need a 10 year medical degree to deliver a baby. In fact, turns out all you have to be is West TX oil field trash.