From Jordan Sather on Telegram:
"Did you know that anyone can drop a pin on Google anywhere?
Look, I just dropped a pin of myself at Mar-A-Lago - yet my ass is actually sitting 3000 miles away.
Don't think someone is an "insider" or chillin w/ Trump at Mar-A-Lago because of a location pin."
Looks can be deceiving... especially on the internet.

So tired of JS...he really is a divider. Blocks anyone who posts Ezra comments on his feed.

the only 2 people that pin drop is george news and dan and we know they already hang with trump dont know what your getting at
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Tyranny like hell, is not easily conquered: yet we have this consulation... that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
I drop them at every cigar bar I ever see.😂 My idea of fooking with their algos.

Another way they manipulate optics on their trafficking areas, not by accident.
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