Awake17 and Up🦅 Child of God the Lord Jesus Christ! Taking earth back one day at a time! OUR CHILDREN WILL BE AVENGED!!!!! ☀️🎺🕊

Daughter of a Purple Heart Marine who fought in the Korean War. My love for God Family & Country - my mantra. Great time to be alive.
Father God, please bring this sweet girl home safe from harm. Please embrace her with your Light of Protection. Amen

MAGA - Harm NONE - Treat others the way you want to be treated - SAVE THE CHILDREN - We are ALL ONE - WWG1WGA/NCSWIC/TBIYTC
Praying that she will be found safe. Please Father lead the right people to find this young lady!! Protect and cover her with the white light and comfort her family. ❤️🌞🙏🙏

Been here since 2021, Dad, 24yr Marine! Grandmother, love President Trump! May God Bless Us All, WWG1WGA! Virginia is home! Love Sewing!
I pray she will be found!

omg prayers