Sometimes what you think of someone else is a reflection of yourself! @StBernard on TS
All That You Perceive And All That You Do, Is A Manifestation Of Energy, Experienced & Expressed In Love 💫 Pureblood, Starseed, Observer
OMG! Have they been listening to us after all?!
Here is my wish 💫 tonight for March Madness kicking it off with
🙏 the majority of the Red states open up over the next 3 days
🙏 they start passing election reform
🙏 pass crime bills like this!
🙏 expose the election fraud in their states, even the uncontested ones
🙏 they election fraudsters & everyone that was involved on Every Single Level gets punished based on the level of crime across the board, no deals. Meaning John, Jane & Doe all receive the Exact same punishment for the exact same crime. No differences state/state or city/city. Minimum 1 yr in prison just for being a stupid fuck.
🙏 The House of Cards falls in a Very Public & Humiliating way. Enough to bring shame upon the families for all eternity. To the Pain!
🙏 the Return of Trump & JFK Jr. & the Dream Team
🙏 The Children come home & are healed by whatever technology that's been hidden from us. 💫
God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
Great list! Love the "to the pain" Princess Bride reference. Let's do this!
Share it to be heard...I did!
All That You Perceive And All That You Do, Is A Manifestation Of Energy, Experienced & Expressed In Love 💫 Pureblood, Starseed, Observer
i heard this morning that 17 states have lifted the mask mandate! 17!