I used to think I knew who I was, but the last 10 years has taught me that I am so much more. I am a child of God and an American above all.
In response WhenUKnow UKnow to her Publication
Ladies and gentleman, it is time. This is the storm, we are in the eye.
Saved by faith, through Jesus; wife; mother; grandmother; healer; defender of truth
In response Diane Kelly to her Publication
We had an Amber alert this morning and I about broke my neck getting to my phone!
Empath. BA in ministry. Mental Health Advocate. Don't tread. Libertarian. Conservative where it counts. Pics-mine. MTN time, USA.
In response WhenUKnow UKnow to her Publication
🤮Yes, young adult showed me the [edited] vid. Glad she did; great convo after.