Uncomfortable TrUtHs
You know there have been mass genocides all over the World, where 100's, 1000's, 10's of thousands, millions of people were killed and most of you, the first thing that comes to mind is Germany, but what if I told you, you were wrong, the true genocide of greatest proportion was done by Jewish bolsheviks during the Bolshevik revolution of Russia when Stalin LITERALLY guided by his Jewish advisors starved and murdered MILLIONS of people to death in Russia, the new film called Mr. Jones is the true story of this mass genocide of White Christians youtu.be/BqnfmCu6fUk
Nana has always heard that there were way more ppl killed in this than by the Nazis in Germany

Here to help my friends and family understand what is happening to this government today. Feel free to contact. The war is not over. Faith!
the USS Liberty is one of my red pills. from years ago. i know the official statement and i dont believe it. destroying that ship was not going to keep the silence of isreali policies.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Well please direct message Nana your story of how you first woke up . I am collecting the stories of patriots of the Great Awakening in hopes of getting them published for future generations to read.
You can use your real name or avatar name or both.
It is important to preserve this history.

had a friend, retired navy, who knew all about it. the official story is bs.

Here to help my friends and family understand what is happening to this government today. Feel free to contact. The war is not over. Faith!
exactly right josh. i am a historian. nazi germany did not treat the jews well and did conduct a final solution. however jewish bolshevic marxism murdered 20 times the nazi total and in a mich longer span of time. every single time marxism descends into a nation that nation suffers immeasurably. do you think the people of china embrace their communist government? no!!

Here to help my friends and family understand what is happening to this government today. Feel free to contact. The war is not over. Faith!
exactly right josh. i am a historian. nazi germany did not treat the jews well and did conduct a final solution. however jewish bolshevic marxism murdered 20 times the nazi total and in a mich longer span of time. every single time marxism descends into a nation that nation suffers immeasurably. do you think the people of china embrace their communist government? no!!

and you would be absolutely correct, there were no 6,000,000 jews killed in Germany this is a perpetuated lie that has been around for decades, and most of your jews nowadays are not actually JEWS in a sense, they are actually Khazarians who adopted judaism after it became the National religion of Khazaria, http://www.khazaria.com/

Proud to be an American. Unwilling to give up my unalienable rights to the cancel culture. I support Trump's legacy and NO NEW WARS.
Have you ever met any survivors of the Holocaust? Since you are such an expert, before they are all gone, you should speak to those who experienced it. I have known several. They were each a lone survivor, their entire family wiped out. My grandparents knew of many relatives back in Europe who had perished. When Eisenhower liberated Auschwitz, the first thing he said was "Bring in the photographers." He knew that it would not be believed and that there would be those who would deny it. How very right he was! By the grace of God, my ancestors left about 35 years before the Holocaust that killed 6,000,000. This "history" you speak of is like a Rorshach test where you find what you want in the word "Jew" and thereby reveal more about yourself that about your so-called "history."

i have read for some reason 6 million for "them" is some type of manifestation... It's always 6 million this 6 million that 6 million people are gonna die 6 million people have died throughout the ages, years back for millennia maybe