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:15 Charlie Ward: [re CPAC] Wow. Amazing speech by President Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America.

0:21 Fascinating if you look at the detail. When you break it down and realize that Air Force One was parked at Orlando Airport. That was interesting.

0:32 There were so many signs in there. He mentioned a few times about Bi/den getting shot at the end of last year. That made me smile.

0:46 Just so that you know for those people who are unaware of the language, when talking about the “vac/cines”… “vac/cine” is a code word for RV…

1:02 When you put that into the equation then you’ll understand what’s going on but that’s a little bit of INSIDE information… just so you take your fear away because a lot of people were panicking… “What about the Va/cc/ine?!?!?!”…

1:17 That’s the code word for the RV… Enjoy… (smiling like the cat that ate the cream…)

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rondevous point?