i guess it's going to take every citizen to say fuck off by not going to work getting off of our assess and taking to the streets. this is our fucking country not the fuckin dictators dictating their bullshit agenda. not protecting our borders is fuckin treason! 108 covid positive illegals free to Rome this country but Americans stay the fuck in your houses! blow me! sure there's "there's something happening" but waiting until how many people die from bacterial pneumonia caused by the masks, or the ones dropping dead from the vaccine or the ones committing suicide. when the fuck is enough enough? tick tock tick tock.

Proud PatriQt. Mama, wife, lover of truth, God, Trump and military. Here because everywhere else is doom and gloom. The best is yet to come.
I feel you on this. I understand we're "waiting for the normies to wake up" but I mean, enough is enough. There's enough intel, proof and evidence to put these people down... AND YOU'RE RIGHT, suicide is on the rise where I live and blame the dictators and the lame ass people who sleep live day to day in a anti-truth coma. The last few mornings all I can think about is "how long are we gonna do this" or "what's it going to take"??? I'm frustrated too and I'm tired of waiting and watching everything go to shit. You're not alone...

PHD in sarcasm. Patriot, husband, step father and veteran. Allergic to bullshit. Brother to all of God's living creations.
absolutely. i was just in the past office without a mask on. reason, I watched a masked mother and her two unmasked children enter so I followed right behind them waiting for someone to open their mouth about me not wearing a mask. I would've rained some knowledge about the hypocrisy of the situation. I got a dirty look from the masked mother and I have her a smug "eat shit" smirk. then I had a thought. what if I started wearing a brown paper bag over my head? like disappointed sports fans would do for terrible teams show up with brown paper bags. covers my entire head. I do stand up comedy and really think it could get some laughs and make a statement at the same time and hopefully red pill some sleepers.