3-Year Delta for #828
'Get organized'... are we supposed to form groups or something?...
Group together and be more easily identified?
What kind of groups? Online, in the street, at peoples homes...
Or is this prepping advice?
Not sure what that means.
Anonup is a group - but other than sharing info. not sure what power we can exert...
I thought the military was in charge of all this, and, as a civillian, isn't it our jobs to stay out of their way?
In relation to the George communication being shared about...
It's no good telling people not to dig, after TRAINING and ENCOURAGING them to dig... for 4 years... based on the barest crumbs and snippets... It did not sound like a George communicae either, not the tone they usially take.
Has George been compromised? Breitbart had issues with some of their journos leaning far too left in their presentation and language... they seem to have sorted that. Just a thought.

lm feeling the same way, but now im at a point that i dont know what to believe! I know alot of innocent people over the years have paid a terriable price at the hands of those who dont value all life, in the persuit of wealth for themselves. Ive worked hard all my life and i just want to keep my family safe without allowing those who mean to kill us, to take away our freedoms without a fight! so yeah hpw do we save ourselves?