Something is very odd. Where the hell are:
Chelsea Handler
Alec Baldwin
George Clooney and his tranny wife
Anglie Jolie
The Schumer heifer woman
The Hanks
Kathy Griffen
Rob Reiner
Woody Allen
Barbara Feinstein
and many, many more?
After all, their plate of mashed potatoes won the WH, it should be non-stop partying and media blitz to promote DJT leaving. Remarkable that they’ve damn near disappeared. Now, it could be they’re no longer useful, were gotten rid of, and a new circus full of clowns will emerge. But, billions were spent promoting the above-mentioned list of hacks, you’d think their handlers would get more of their investment back…
Working to become a better version of myself through the grace of God. No DMs, please.
I saw an ad a few weeks ago for an interview with George Clooney on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. It looked like a low-budget CGI version of George. 🤔
Where the hell are my idiot senators Dick Stolen Valor Blumenthal and Chrissy Murphy? It's quiet up here in Commienecticut. One can only hope they are in Gitmo getting ass-reamed by someone with a twelve inch banana.
Working to become a better version of myself through the grace of God. No DMs, please.
Sen. Blunt from my home state of MO has been quiet since that video of a US Marshall leading him away in handcuffs surfaced. Hmm..