#MilaMulroney was big into art *from around the world* AND we the Canadian taxpayers ate the cost.
Canada's#SWAMP needs a draining

they are all connected,
when one goes down ,the rest will follow.
As per military intel Podesta will be first according to
“drops”, we are also told that disinfo is necessary
to misderect the enemy and cause them to use up
their ammo.
I personally am of the opinion that PODESTA
will be in the first of several as nothing is random and there are no coincidences.
Podesta is the italian word used in Ephisians 6:12
to describe an evil entity power ruling the darkness of this world.
A power holding peolpe and spirits captive.
A principality of the dark hidden rulers.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against
principalities, against (podesta)powers,against the
rulers of the darkness of this world
God father 3.
It will be biblical, as the corrupt rulers of old
used the practice of sacrificing their children
to moloch ,so the new political and entertainment
rulers sacrifice to their god and become partakers of his nature by phisically consuming their sacrifi