Hello all. I know someone with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and has desolved all treatment options.
ive seen people sharing home cures of vitamn c and other things. I cant find them now.
i am sceptical of these supposed cures but i would like to give her some option. she is a mom of a 2 year old.
Send me these so i can pass them along. God Bless

Patriot..I stand by our Potus WWG1WGA came here from twitter Purge searching for my patriot fam!
mms..ivermectin horse dewormer..
get at feed stores..kvlab.com for
mms..very good

*American PatriQt* 1A-2A *Trump Supporter* *1776 Restore the Republic* Abolish 1871 Act. *LUKE 8:17*

#godwins Strength TO ALL Soldiers - Strength To Police- and Patriot's!!
We thought if we put the @ in front of your name it would send to you ...... just noticed you send a thread so looked through things to find how to send this song to you. Rick was the person who talked to you the first time.... so the rest of us went to work when he told us. https://anonup.com/thread/2368390
Crimson Revolver
⛈️@MikeStorm Okay... Just Had Alan (long blond hair with riffle) Dig through boxes to find about six cds he made to find YOU AND YOURS this song He wrote. Had to load into compu
Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
I read about bitter apricot kernals, I think, on "truthaboutcancer.com".

#godwins Strength TO ALL Soldiers - Strength To Police- and Patriot's!!
Make sure she takes clean baking soda and takes a lot No alluminum... RED MILL IS THE BRAND THAT IS CLEAN!!!!!

#godwins Strength TO ALL Soldiers - Strength To Police- and Patriot's!!
Organic Baking Soda!!!!! I has been proven to eat the cancer cells!!!! LOok it up. My buddy that goes to all the local rallies and we both host rallies as well he just bot diagnosed with terminal cancer thoughout his body !!! Spine Brain and major organs are al comprimized !!! I willl keep your friend in my prayers you do the same for mine !! When two agree it is so !!!!! Best of outcomes to you both!!!

Christian. Patriot. God told us we would have a front row seat. NO DM.
The Truth About Cancer by Ty Bollinger www.cancertutor.com
Chis beat cancer.com-I personally know a friend who beat stage 4 lung cancer with this.
Max Gerston Therapy
CPTG frankincense essential oil will kill cancer.
There are many protocols that will help but I would advise a relationship with Jesus and speaking His word to win the war.

USAF vet. Patriot . 3%. I will stand for Mr. President Trump till the end. God bless you .
cbd oil

Christian, Truth Seeker, Patriot, Married, 72, Texan, #WWG1WGA
Fenbendazole! It's dog dewormer. The video is about Joe Tippens who cured his terminal cancer with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYILnjc_wuY&t=101s

I've also heard that lemons (frozen - organic and then grate the peel on your food ) helps and so do avocados.

Hey@mikestorm, I hope your friend is feeling the best they can. I shared this a while back and many of my friends in the Medical Industry liked it and supported it. Hope this helps and your friend recovers regardless.

For God, For Peace, For Love, For Freedom. Focus on Jesus, Not the storm. In need of encouragement? Provider of uplifting messages.
Thank you. I dont actually know this person but she is a friend of my daughter. Just hoping to give her some hope to try. I have heard of the Alkaline water before so I have passed this on to my daughter to share it to her friend. Thank you very much.

This is also interesting: https://www.healthline.com/health/cancer/graviola-cancer

This is interesting: https://www.webmd.com/breast-cancer/features/marijuana-breast-cancer

Navy Vet - 30 Years Served - #Patriot - Conservative stuck in CA - Booted 5th time from Twatter. Lost 15K beautiful Patriots! #XRP
Read somewhere - Apricot seeds

God fearing, Jesus loving, constitution loving, Trump supporter,and most of all SAVE THE CHILDREN!
Hello. Please share with her to research alkaline water and diet. research has stated that cancer can't grow in alkaline body.

Here is some articles that I've read some things on dewormer with cancer.
Man Claims Cheap Dog Deworming Medicine Cured His Terminal Cancer
Joe Tippens, an Oklahoma man who was once diagnosed with terminal cancer and told he only had three months to live, claims he is now cancer free thanks to fenbendazole, a common canine dewormer.
I'm a mom, nana, and furmomma..and I love President Trump!
try the group C.K.C. on Facebook..they can help you.

Retired RN, :) Grandmother, Healer, envisions a free Canada and a free earth.

WWG1WGA, politic junky, Digital Soldier- follow me on telegram t.me/awake2DS
Sugar feeds the cancer..so no sugar. Also cancer cant grow in a PH balanced body. So baking soda in a 8oz glass daily.

WWG1WGA I am a child of GOD and only god for I-AM 9
Raw apple cider vinegar mix with some pineapple juice take it daily or another option get some fresh lemons freeze them and then great them over healthy food so i have heard it is 50 times more powerful than chemo

Adopting an animal saves you both. USA needs a return to common sense, God. Patriotism over all. No DM's. Treason deserves the rope.
I have become aware of the benfits of an alkaline diet and cancer. An alkaline diet deprives cancer of the food (sugars) that it needs to survive. I have read much about this, and there are a lot of books on how to alkalyze your body. Lots of testimonials.