Proud US Citizen, Greek Citizen, Canadian Citizen, nationalist, sailor, dog lover 3 dogs
The death penalty is too humane. I prefer the concept of "life forfeiture", where the condemned are allowed to spend the remainder of in penance, working every day at a task meant to serve the public they betrayed. Cheney and Rumsfeld can pick up and dispose of all th DU they left all over Iraq. Even a "Traitor Zoo" in DC would serve as a better deterrent for them, and a constant reminder for us as to how we came so close to losing it all.
I don't agree.. they need to be executed.. exterminated publicly.. they are luciferean satanists and that have tortured and murdered children that they stole of farmed for their satanic rituals to drink their blood etc etc.. there is only one way.. death
I agree that the gravity and depravity of their Luciferian ways warrants such punishment. I simply feel that, as God GIVES life, it is for HIM to take it at a time of HIS choosing, and by HIS hand, not ours.
However, as long as they linger, let them suffer each day in their shame, and let us enjoy watching as they are made to atone; even if it's only to encapsulate them on permanent, PUBLIC display. Like I've said, DC is the perfect place for such a zoo... ;)