let me try to correct my last post in real time so that i may be more effective. first i will lay out my backstory. i used to live half hour from the largest monsanto testing facililty plant in the world. i worked there as a private contractor. i have experienced it first hand how bad this really is. TO THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. WE HAVE A VERY GRAVE ISSUE THAT NEEDS ATTENTION. POISONS: IN OUR FOOD, OUR WATER, AND OUR AIR. THIS AFFECTS ALL LIVING BEINGS. ALL WALKS OF LIFE. ALL AGES. THE POISONS I AM TALKING ABOUT ARE BEING DUMPED INTO EVERYTHING WE CONSUME. THIS NEEDS TO REACH THE PEIPLE OF THE WORLD SO WE CAN MAKE A LASTING DIFFERENCE ONCE AND FOR ALL. TO BE COMPLETELY FREE, FROM POISONS. BOYCOTT POISONS. I HAVE FAITH IN HUMANITY

People are being systematically poisoned and its all sanctioned by government, medicine, law, and industry. By design, for decades, unceasingly. It's why there is so much cancer and other diseases. Why? It generates untold billions for the perpetrators. They feed off of poisoning us.

If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!
correct. [they] only look to create a patient out of us because thats where [they] profit.