Ohio RINO governor Mike Dewine most likely has an more indirect connection, but he has direct connections to Haiti and the Clinton Foundation.

Blunt to the point of abrasive..I shoot from the hip.. AM directed by the heart .. tempered by the 🧠
compate states that havent & have locked down to their Chicommie handelers... it they have doninion machines5 nost do) & they didnt cheat to turn the PORUS race then they r in olace with criminal SOSs to help Soros get in more DAs& judges in their pockets as SLEEPERS... ALL MUST B PURGED.. it its fucking ILLEGAL ti b a member of the American Communist party then why the fuck are ANY CARD CARRYING CHINESE COMMUNISTS HOLDING POWERFUL ,LIFE DESTROYING POLITICAL POSITIONS INSTEAD OF BARS IN PRISON??? time for the big DOUCHE... wouldnt u say???

This is where i get confused, Iowa's governor kept most things open, caved at the end to the mask mandate opened things up ...but she is on this list... so is she doing what she is told or is she bad but did the right thing? How do we figure this out...

A database obtained by computer hackers from China Communist Party computers allegedly reveals the names of more than a DOZEN U.S. State Governors who are reportedly shown in the database as being MEMBERS of China’s Communist Party:
The database was originally leaked on Telegram, the encrypted instant messaging app, and passed in September by a Chinese dissident to the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, which comprises more than 150 legislators around the world who are concerned by the influence and activities of the Chinese government. List of U.S Governors below 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
AZ – Ducey
AR – Hutchinson
CA – Newsome
CT – Lamont
NM – Grisham
VT – Scott
IA – Reynolds
RI – Raimondo
NE – Ricketts
DE – Carney
IN – Holcomb
NV – Sisolak
TN – Lee
KY – Beshear
ID – Little
MT – Bullock
OR – Brown
IL – Pritzker
LA – Edwards
TX – Abbott
MN – Waltz
MA- Baker

Abott? That surprises me 🤔 https://anonup.com/thread/2708532
Robert Combs
National Guard and State Troopers To Southern Border In An Act Of Defiance Against Biden’s Border Policies - The reality of their failures can't be ignored https://americ
idaho's Governor is an abject pile of shit. The only thing worse is the liberal [D] mayor of Boise. Pure trash.

Happily married for 30+ years. I'm the ONLY one in my circle remotely awake. No DM 🚫
Second pic is king Holcomb of Indiana. Bought and paid for

Happily married Mama of 2. Loyal to our President and a fighter for the children! Trump Won! God Won! #WWG1WGA #SAVEOURCHILDREN 🇺🇸💖🐸💫

USAF vet. Patriot . 3%. I will stand for Mr. President Trump till the end. God bless you .

Ready for Trump to bring the pain! 3rd purge from twatter
Is that weasel John Bell Edwards I see? I would imagine so since he didnt let Louisiana out of punishment today.

thats why trump put these assholes in charge of each of their own states, so we could see exactly who we really voted for

julian asssnge did say that when everything is exposed 98% of washington will fall

🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴
2019 our mayor and city council went to chyna on tax payer money.
2020 election night, our mayor & council ALL blue in a very red city.
2021 mayor dies suddenly of unknown cause. 🤔
but at least i have DeSantis as my gov!

Scumbag sell outs!

Jesus is My Lord ~Cuz THERE AIN’T NO DOUBT I LOVE THIS LAND GOD BLESS THE USA 🇺🇸Trump is my President
sHOOT! mine is in there ( not really surprised) but i was hoping he wasn't in that deep

Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.
Washington Governor Jay Inslee turned to his old buddy, Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping, for help to supply citizens of Washington with personal protective equipment (PPE) produced in China. The Governor sent a personal letter to Xi that was loaded with fawning compliments touting his leadership through the coronavirus crisis. At no point did he mention the fact that it was the actions of the Chinese Communist Party in hiding coronavirus information that led to the COVID-19 pandemic in the first place.

Christian Patriot, Wife and Sales Analyst - #MAGA #ItsGoingToBeBiblical #GODWins #TheGreatAwakening #DarkToLight #TwatterFBCasualty
I am so ready for Abbott to get judgement for selling out his state to the CCP and liberal traitors in Austin, Dallas & Houston. What's the point of staying on our own power grid when you manage it like a corrupt, coastal leftist? He is a disgrace! I am sure his communist/socialist pals with the wind & solar farms made out like bandits and were comfy and cozy while Texans suffered and died in freezing cold with no power/heat, water or communication. Texans need to take their state back from the globalist crime syndicate!

Patriot, Catholic, Vietnam Era U.S. Army veteran, father to my 22 y/o Son serving in the USCG. UM Z God Wins. Trump 2020. BTW Its flat.
Get the ropes ready for these treasonous mother fuckers. sorry!

Some one special to some. @surdog007 (tw) @godrus on truth social telegr
400 Representatives of U.S., China Attend Collaboration Summit in Kentucky - National Governors Association
From top left: Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin; Tennessee Governor Bill Lee; Ambassador Cui Tiankai and Gov. Bevin; and MOU signing ceremony. Subnational Leaders of Both Countries Pledge Cooperation on Economic and Cultural Matters More than 400 representatives of business and national and subnational ..

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
Geeze that is 40% with "direct" ties! Just how many have "indirect" ties that are also a danger to this nation?

Andy Beshear KY was introduced to them by his dad Steve. Andys wife Britan on KY art Council board gets lots $$$ from grants thru her husband Andy. She is also on board at Maeryhurst in Louisville, a shelter home for kids, mostly chinese.... hmmmmm....
follow the money, follow the spouses, follow the kids

Rand Paul is about the only decent leader KY has, and maybe our AG.
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Optimist, Mommy, Civil Engineer #WWG1WGA # FIghtback It's all Good! God wins!
Texas - Greg Abbott POS. Allowed Chinese to buy land in Texas. Two windmill farms owned by the Chinese. Getting rep minion to introduce a bill to take away Texans rights HB3. Pretty sure all the dem mayors in Texas are compromised in one way or another. I pray Abbott is held responsible for his actions

They are all exposed and We the People will not forget they are traitors to our Country and the American people! If they are compromised, they should immediately be removed from office!

Father, Brother, Son…Freedom lover non conformist since Day 1. Friend till the end. #FamilyIsEverything.
theres more than that

Idaho represented. If they were/are masked up in their social media profiles, they are probably on this list.

chicken shit little will be GITMO BOUND VETY SOON.

I don't even need to search for mine. He's the one about to be recalled.

Jesus is My Lord ~Cuz THERE AIN’T NO DOUBT I LOVE THIS LAND GOD BLESS THE USA 🇺🇸Trump is my President
your guy runs my guy around by his nose @#%#!!!!👿
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Retired RN, :) Grandmother, Healer, envisions a free Canada and a free earth.
Jesus christ...

I knew Shitzger would be on that list!! My state is fooked

Happily retired 🥳 Patriot since birth 🇺🇸 Christ follower 🙏 I support our President Trump 1000% 🇺🇸 @LucyDWigglebutt everywhere 🐶
Have faith. our state will get cleaned up. I will bet my first proprty tax payment this year. 🤑

Commie Baker if MA is one! Get this mofo the fuck outta here

Californian Patriot!! Love my family, country, and all patriots. God Bless. #TrumpIsStillMyPesident
Heard there is more than that... JA said if all was exposed 75% would be convicted of crimes.
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