We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
And just when many were wondering if the Wayfair story was a hoax and perpetuated by those crazy right wing, gun toting, Bible thumping, Trump followers:
Here we have Maxwell pictured with Bill Hutcherson, President of Operatons at Wayfair.
C'mon. Pillows for $13,000? For that price, they better have gold in them.
Framed pictures for 150,000???
mmm ... sometimes ... https://heavy.com/news/2020/07/ghislaine-maxwell-bill-hutcherson-wayfair-photo/ ... it refers to https://www.tatler.com/gallery/aspreys-new-york-flagship-launch ... look for "Ghislaine Maxwell and George Bamford"
Ghislaine Maxwell & ‘Bill Hutcherson’: Viral ‘Wayfair’ Photo Explained | Heavy.com
Does a photo show Ghislaine Maxwell with someone named Bill Hutcherson of Wayfair? Here's a deep dive into the photo and why the man wasn't with Wayfair.