AF 78-02 I will not lose my country-luv it or lv it! Never give up never surrender-PDJT #SaveOurChildren ! WHY WE FIGHT! same hdl GAB

He said it before we went into the "two weeks to flatten the curve."So many thought the EBS was going to come during that two weeks when everyone was staying home. Crickets. That was almost a year ago now. I feel stupid for telling the few people I did to be expecting an EBS after the inauguration. I personally don't beleive one is coming anymore. Idicocracy appears to have arrived early. If the EBS did happen, most Americans would go out and set their own cars on fire and cheer it on; just like in the movie. That the majority of us all are still allowing for the election fraud to stand, for mask mandates to stand, for cancel culture to get people fired for expressing opinions, for threats of medical mandated vaxxines to become more the expected reality every day, I seriously ask why, such a collective of sleepers, deserves to hear the truth? Recent history has proven that they don't respond to it when it clobbers right them in the face. ~watching chemtrails out my window
I feel for what you are going through, like many many us, but just be there for those that will coming knocking wanting to know what is happening we will all do our best to tell them, and maybe even add an "i told you so"

I'm not going through anything significant related to this. My faith and hope are in my God/Source within myself. The negative part of the Organic reality is an AI simulation; temporal. I never get THAT caught up it in it. All is Good/God that matters.💛