Holding on to this wild horse to the end. Prophetic. Dark to light 🔥 11:11
11:11 1st March. My number spotting slowed down for a couple of weeks, but today its roared back to life, its like the Kingdom of Heaven is Roaring 🎺🔥🔥🔥#darktolight#GodWins#LionOfJudah#TrumpetsandTriumph#wwg1wga
here's a question I've been trying to ask across the boards- when does all this correlation and calculation of the post numbers etc become Numerology?

Holding on to this wild horse to the end. Prophetic. Dark to light 🔥 11:11
Thats a world question IMHO. God is above, below, beside, within everything. We can divide it all out, call it numerology, or even call it coincidence (if youre a sleeper 😜). But I just call it what it is: One of the many Voices of God. He speaks ALL the time in, every possible way. Through numbers, signs, dreams, stars aligning, animals in your path, through other people, loudly with His own voice, or so quietly that you have to lean in to hear it. I picture it like data constantly downloading from Him to us, only we catch about 1/100th of it, and thats when we’re actually listening!

i sort of agree, but not fully.. i do feel that God speaks to us thru His Word (the reading & hearing of it), thru christian music (all the time almost as if in answer to prayer like bumblebee the robotic transformer) and thru other means. im trying to test the spirits tho to see if they come from God or not. just found out that gematria is numerology.