Mom of 3 boys,Wifey of 21yrs🐸Patriot, WWG1WGA, Supports freedom will fight for our country. I will never back down. Peer support specialist

wow Capsules confinscated in N. Korea containing human (dead baby)flesh, noone has been charged yet.#EndHumanTrafficking#stopsatanicrituals#EndTheAbuse#StopAndrenachromeHarvesting#HoldTheLine#GodWins

For the love of God, when is this evil gonna come to an end.

In response Dreama Wallace to her Publication

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Mom of 3 boys,Wifey of 21yrs🐸Patriot, WWG1WGA, Supports freedom will fight for our country. I will never back down. Peer support specialist

In response Hester Strignano to her Publication

Soon Very Soon