Good Morning AnonUp

🤦♀️From Huckabee right now referring to Biden's speech: "We don't expect Biden to say America First but it would have been nice if he had said America's in the top five."
WE really are the only people who believe in America and it hurts.

#HAWAII4TRUMP here to help #SAVEOURCHILDREN #KennedyVision #FightLikeAFlynn #wwg1wgaWORLDWIDE #Trumpsara #theBESTisYetToCome #GODWINS
Mahalo~ VK, for leading us here! many of us were feeling very out of touch. Now i just need to learn how to use one more app! Tech challenged grandmother will figure it out#wwg1wga

Good morning Real#46!

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
Good afternoon VK. Sorry I'm late, a lot of information to share. I know we have won already and there is a Plan in place. It's hard for some to digest, but I'm vibing just fine

Good morning Real#46!

1059 1261 1067 .... Ash Tay Rose...

what Are the Chances

what Are the Chances

what Are the Chances

God has already won. ✨🙏🏼✨ Eternal optimist, truth seeker, deep thinker, Gen X, Ninja, Leo, INTJ and always barefoot. Stay shiny frens! 😊
WE were chosen for a reason, don't forget that! Remain steady, calm and faithful. Remember that WE have a job to do right now, its not over.
Use logic, trust the plan and stay in the LIGHT!🙏🏼

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~Winston Churchill
Good afternoon VK & all you Patriots!! Let's DO THIS!! America First!!

Here to support my President, my country and THE CHILDREN 🙏🏻🙏🏻 🙏🏻 💥💥THE STAGE IS SET💥💥
VK raise the PISSED level .. Im at Boiling Point 🤬
#NEVERmypresident 💥💥💥

Married. Father to 2 boys. Patriot from Utah. Defund The Fooken Media. God🙏Family❤️Country🇺🇸 #NeverGiveUp #FamilyIsEverything #WWG1WGA
morning VK. watching Joe is a terrible way to stert the day.

pissed level now at 9.8

Still holding the line. Proud to be one of VK's first followers! Glad I listened to my gut! #Trump2021 #[they]fooked
Good morning VK!

good afternoon VK wait with popcorn in hand Lets get this Show Rolling !!!


dog & cat rescuer, animal advocate, Patriot, MAGA KAG WWG1WGA
Good morning VK - I miss President Trump already!

🇺🇸 Proud American 🇺🇸 #2A #1A Constitutional Conservative DAR 🚫DMs XTwit:
Good morning.
9 minutes until ...

The Great Awakening • This is it • Buckle Up • Godspeed🙏🏻🇺🇸
Good Morning, Sir.
You’re going to need a bigger boat to measure the APL - the measurement scale just exploded.

better up that "pissed off" count. I think it is going to go thru the roof soon 😎

I follow back all Patriots. Expose the truth! Question everything. I trust God and God's plan. #JesusIsMySavior
Good morning!

Here paying it forward. Blessed to be redpilled digital Soldier. Will not stop fighting until justice is served #wwg1wga #thegreatawakening
Sooooo, is Chucky G on deck? Will he be the Defacto President of the Transitional Republic after B/H/P are arrested?

Good mornig VK!

Love my president. Animal lover, coal miners daughter, retired, lives in WV..God always wins.
Mine is 9.9 and rising.

As seen on twatter & now on gab too! WWG1WGA NCSWIC ❤🕆💙
I see hunter👀

good morning VK

Grateful to be here with all of you awesome souls. WWG1WGA #prayerteam

Conservative, Love President Trump! The Best is Yet to Come!!!! WWG1WGA Suspended from Twatter! #BeBest
Good morning VK☀️🇺🇸

🤬America's pissed level is off the charts! Not sure why you seem to think it's so low?