So is that why the pipeline got hacked and almost the entire east coast is under a state of emergency? Be prepared to pay through the nose on gas. Prices are already up over 22%. Corn is up 44%. There goes the price of feed for factory farm animals. The prices for grocery store staples are up all over the place. Do we want a wager on when the crash will happen? Before August or after? Any economists on this thread?
Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I am not an economist, but I honestly believe we are watching a foot race between the stock market, fake war, and election. Almost as if it is a perfect storm on all fronts. I do not think that it will take until August. I do not believe in giving dates because of people like Juan o fraud giving dates and being wrong all the time. The best indicator is to watch silver prices. Yes the fluctuate in order to allow JP morgan to amass as much as they can.... but it is allowing us common folk to buy as well. If we see an upward inflection of 2 or more dollars an ounce... Game on. Like I said, not a finance guy, just ready for it to end.
If it starts with podesta…that would reveal just about everything to be true IMO