I had a convo with a dude he stated that Trump lied about the border wall he completed. well i can't visually verify if it's true or not so i listened. he said he only built eg 25 miles not 250 . So i said really if that's a lie that's no good. So asked where you get this from he had a link. i read it and yup he was twisting the information hoping no one looked. The site said Trump tore down 225 miles of bad broken wall and built it properly then he continued from there 25 miles. i asked him i need to see how you record this in your brain. I asked if you moved in a house and the deck is old and parts/foundation is rotten, do you just build on it or would you tear out and fix first. Does the new materials not cost money and time. would you say you are building a deck or fixing a deck.? He had no answer except I'm a racist, he is white.

The Understanding that we are ALL ONE energy, having a physical experience together empowers USAll to UNITE and SEE the truth in all things.
People like this are so filled with hate that there is no more room for themselves to exist.

But i can never understand that kind of hate for someone you've never met. To the point you can't give them one win

That's EGO for you .... some people think they are always right when clearly they are wrong

And Not even willing to travel towards understanding