❤️🙏🕊️💫 Continuing to send deep healing LOVE & LIGHT to anyone who feels they need it right now. Pease know that you're not alone, we've all been severely traumatized by everything that's been going on in the world since we were all born & those of awake can see that the whole world's suffering from mass delusional psychosis.
Always remember, that you are this LOVE & this LIGHT & that you were not only made for these times, but each and everyone of you have been Divinely placed all around the world to hold this LOVE & this LIGHT as we shift from the dark to the light, that is how important you are.❤️🙏🕊️💫
This message brought me to tears. Your message is so very beautiful and so very needed to so many! I so appreciate the calming effects your words always have on my heart; I pray you have someone that does the same for you! I thank you for your inspiring messages! And I thank God for helping me find people like you that realize that once woke, we may still have setbacks and benefit from your gentle reminders of Love and Light.
You are beautiful...thank you!