Juan O’Savin 11-7-20
“This moment is about reversals —
reversals of the coup against America that reached its height
when President Kennedy was assassinated
& sealed the deal for globalists taking control
of this captured operation that is America.
We’re in this ESTHER MOMENT.
These people are into reversals, mirroring.
Riddle me this:
Look at K-a-m-a-l-a in the mirror & what do you see?
Is this not Biblical?
She’s an Amalekite—it’s BIBLICAL!!
Is that a God comm?
It’s a God comm…
Do you know how many sealed indictments are out there right now?
209 thousand.
Do you know what 2 & 9 is code for in the cabal?
They laugh about it & use 29 all the time for 9-11.
In a reversals
17th Book of the Bible moment
209k sealed indictments are THEIR 9-11
Praise the Lord, we’re gonna get ‘em all
Every last f*cking one of em.”
We are ready! They are already undoing everything President Trump did good! 2022 or 2024 will be too late! They dont care aboutour country!
No worries, Anna. We're "watching a movie." Fake Bye-din isn't undoing ANYTHING. They're playing this out for peeps who are still asleep. You'll see the Return of President Trump very very soon! 💥🇺🇸🦅