Lin Wood 🇱🇷
When I surrendered my life to God 2 1/2 years ago, I did so after I seriously posed to myself for the first time this question, “Is God real?”
I reflected on my life and life on Earth in general and concluded that the only thing that made perfect sense to explain everything from start to finish was the conclusion that God is real. A conclusion that turned seeming chaos into a plan. A perfect plan.
God is TRUTH. God is RIGHTEOUS. God is LOVE.
So the longer answer to why I named my channel, “LinWoodSpeaksTruth” is that I love to pursue truth because I love justice and justice is found in trying your best to honestly reach the right result.
I am still learning. I have much more to learn. Don’t we ALL?
Sorry if I am rambling. I will call it a night, not with the words of an imperfect man, but rather the words of the only perfect man to walk on the face of the Earth:
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
- John 17:17
I love TRUTH, ALL of y

We love you Lin, Thanks for being there to help save our freedom.