All this started out in a dig with the question why all the first Q drops were signed with Alice & Wonderland
At the time (2017) Irina Shevchenko came up during our research into the wikileaks and through research "Alice & Wonderland"
"Irina Shevchenko who , according to media reports, extracted the content from the personal computers and phones of officials and businessmen, whom the hacker group (Anonymous International/Shaltay-Boltay) then blackmailed.” which also ended up in Wikileaks!
While researching I stumbeld upon this very interesting PDF
It connects all players in the game that also leads to the Clinton Foundation and the "fake" russian election interference.
Next, I'm led to this article that is utterly interesting as this hackers group is related to everything Q talks about!
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Say what you mean and mean what you say. May my heart, my conscience and convictions guide me.
i think Alice and Wonderland equals John F Kennedy Jr in Gematria as well.

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
Excellent work. Very good stuff.

#WWG1WGA WorldWide , Gen. Flynn's Digital Soldier, QTuber, Light worker
Thank you !

#WWG1WGA WorldWide , Gen. Flynn's Digital Soldier, QTuber, Light worker
Article from October 7th 2020
Excerpts from the article :
"Her hacking nom de guerre is Alice. All her hacking group’s names are based in Lewis Carroll’s In through the Looking Glass. Her real name is Irina Shevchenko. "
More in the article is this bomb 💥
"According to 2x NYT Pulitzer Prize winner for stories on the DNC hack and 2016 election interference, Scott Shane, I’m the early, primary original source for the following information — Clinton, Crowdstrike, Ukraine collusion in the DNC hacks, Trump’s views on Ukrainian interference and:
Post continues below....
CD Media Exclusive- Meet Alice! The DNC Hacker That Clears Julian Assange - CD Media
CD Media Exclusive- Meet Alice! The DNC Hacker That Clears Julian Assange. Hillary Ordered The Hack To Find Leakers.
#WWG1WGA WorldWide , Gen. Flynn's Digital Soldier, QTuber, Light worker
∙ The DNC, Clinton, Obama-Biden, ODNI, FBI, Ukraine, and Ukrainian Diaspora collusion in the 2016 election interference stories
∙ Election interference including US media, social media blackballing and de-platforming of journalists and media platforms
∙ Blacklisting journalists that began in 2015 and went mainstream with the introduction of fake news
∙ FBI criminally hiding the DNC hacker as part of the Obama administration led IO
∙ The development of the US coup and IO in Ukraine. The events from 2014 Maidan, MH-17 through 2016 were part of that.
∙ The Information Operation in Ukraine morphed into the Information Operation against Donald Trump resulting in his impeachment and the ongoing protests, riots, and Intel community coup attempts"
"Meet Alice the DNC hacker nobody wants to implicate
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