My wife was given this aweful drug by the doctors and now that she is off of it, she is having non-stop panic attacks. This has been ongoing for about two full weeks now. Any thoughts on how to stop them from happening?
Jesus, deep breathing exercises - exhaling through pursed lips - anise for natural food detox, also for detox boron, Diatomaceous earth magnesium -- need to do your own research and believe
Thanks for the tips. I have been digging for a few days now and had been coming up dry.
Any time - nice angel number on your time stamp 11:11 - Dr Sircus videos I found to be a good source. If you want further info on Boron I can send it. A lot has been scrubbed from the net, I would suggest Duck Duck Go as well not Google.
Yeah I have been using duckduckgo for awhile, But I have definitely heard about Boron, I had completely forgotten about it.
R U aware to look on Bitchute and Rumble as well for videos as most good Utube videos get taken down - right
Here is one I watched last night -- also you can change the settings to view the most recent - right