UPDATE: BLM-Antifa Organizer John Sullivan, Who Was Arrested After Storming US Capitol, Bashing Windows Is Writing a Book, Being Paid for Video as Trump Support..
Antifa-Black Lives Matter leader John Sullivan Antifa-Insurgence leader John Earl Sullivan was arrested in Utah after the US Capitol riots. As reported previously Antifa protester John Sullivan was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol on January 6th. CAUGH..
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/update-blm-antifa-organizer-john-sullivan-arrested-storming-us-capitol-bashing-windows-writing-book-paid-video-trump-supporters-rot-jail/And remember the fools aka leaders who pushed a fraudulent impeachement performance claiming Trump supporters did it. Funny what was found on drunks laptop? What did the FBI report say? Who confessed he was paid by P and S?