Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
02252021-1000 PST - MIL traffic update
It's U2 Thursday over California.
- EU - Continuing from about 9 hours ago, there's above average US movement over Europe. My post before this showed a GlobalHawk drone over Lithuiania again. Almost more US aircraft over Europe than European aircraft.
- US - 360+ aircraft all over the place, usual training over TX, OK, and FL Panhandle. Lots and lost of asset movement aircraft and refuelers.
TL;DR - Not just another average day.
Very helpful. Thanks.
Saw 4 P8's over N. FL. Training? I've never seen 4 before.
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Yeah I've seen them over FL lately but seeing 4 at once is a little bizarre unless there's a main base over there. See lots of Posdeidon's up over the waters between WA and Canada a lot, including lots of P3-C orions, both sub hunters as you're aware. Perhaps Jacksonville, FL is a hub for them as there's 3 right now in the vicinity including an Orion.
They're definitely watching the water and I'm sure we can surmise why they are as well.
I'm glad they're on our side, those sub-hunters are brutal.
Family, GSDs, our Veterans, Warriors and Patriots. D5 then 5D
Couldn't agree more....yes, so glad they are on our side. I think JAX is a hub. We also have a Naval Air Station (NAS) here.
Usually I can see 1 P8 or P3 circling, but 4...wow, that got my attention.
One was circling in the Atlantic not far off our shore. Yes, sure seems like they are watching the water.
Thanks so much for your info! It's going to be interesting to see how this all plays out.