DON'T be afraid to speak out AGAINST narratives being pushed upon you & ESPECIALLY don't be afraid to speak out AGAINST accounts that just don't sit right with you who are labeled "popular" / large accounts.
If you are too afraid to speak against ppl on social media who hold ZERO power over you, how do you expect to be able to speak out against your local elected officials that do, who have been doing REALLY fucked up evil shit behind closed doors?
You've been conditioned FAR too long to keep your head down & stay quiet, which actually allows assholes who shouldn't have power to walk all over you. (Even in this movement)
The most important thing President Trump is giving back to you, isn't money that was stolen. It's your VOICE that was stifled, trampled on & stolen.
Sacred geometry of the universe flows from WITHIN you via frequency.
The power within you is YOUR VOICE.
JFK's grandchildren singing "TIMBER" ring a bell?
Timber > Timbre

I’ve been AWAKE since 1980, and have researched for 40 years. I’m a veteran of 4ch, 8ch and 8KUN. I now only have accounts here, WEGO & Gab.
After being "Awake" since 1980 and living in this nightmare fake reality when no one else seemed to see it, I have become completely fearless. I am totally serious. Because I trust Jesus to walk beside me, there is NOTHING in this earthly realm that can make me afraid and trust me when i say Satan has thrown plenty at me since 1980. In the last 40 year I was severely injured and lost my ability to work as a nurse, lost husband to a younger woman, lost my job, my home, had to file bankruptcy, lost all my close friends, lost my church because husband was important member, lost my dad in 2019, since January 2020, was diagnosed withstage 4 ovarian cancer, lost sight in one eye from stroke during surgery, had 6 rounds of chemo, had 3 pulmonary embolisms, had 2nd stroke, got shingles twice during chemo, lost all my hair and 75 lb. BUT, I never lost faith that Jesus was right beside me through it all. I have NO FEAR and when i see something I feel is wrong I am not afraid to speak up. ✨

Amen. Our voice has been lost. i see it with mybstepson yes he messed up bit he cleaned up and is now doing right and should have his daughter back but evil grandparents refuse to give her back. God help us all gain oir voices for the right and justice thay we have had taken away

Believer in THE ALMIGHTY. Writer. Traveler. Singer. Songwriter. PATRIOT. WARRIOR. MARINE.
But when I call out the big accounts, they just block me! 😭🤣🤣🇺🇸🐸

Mike Tyson: "I Do It Because I Don't Want To Do It..."
Click the link to watch the video:

#godwins Strength TO ALL Soldiers - Strength To Police- and Patriot's!!
Excellent commentary yOu gave. Blessings!

Wife. Mom of 5. Believer. Love freedom. Homeschooling mom. #MAGA #KAG #fightback
Great post and great timing!

It's not that I would speak out against these so-called large accounts; it's that I may not agree on things and do not "follow" (very lose word) blindly. And I certainly trust my God, gut, intellect, and knowledge, over any of the kool kidz. But I remain open-minded and open-eared with discernment.
Yet@vDarkness is right. When “outsiders” call “us” a cult, I can see why. Look where that group think got us: A massive buffet of endless crow. If it doesn’t seem right, ask a question, call ‘em out, or voice your opinion. Whether they respond or not, they do read it. Respect is key.
I appreciate the info you dropped yesterday. When the vibez and the subsequent info mesh, it usually means you’re on right track – in my experience, anyway.

How's this for speaking out: Joe Kennedy colluded to crash the stock market which enriched him and wiped out and eventually killed off millions of Americans. Then he colluded witb the Mafia and corrupt local politicians to get his son elected POTUS. Then that son faked his own death. Then his son fakes his own death. I won't even get into DJT what he did to people b4 becoming POTUS but I voted for him twice donated $ etc, followed Q etc. I'll tell what I won't do, I won't worship any man, I only worship God. If this all plays out to be true I will thank everyone involved & forget all the hard feelings. What I'm learning though is that a lot of people involved they don't really like free speech, they might claim to, but don't DARE question the plan. They say it had to be done legal, but it wasn't. I'm willing to look past it but fucking deliver in a big way. Trump voters are suffering & dying. I'm speaking for them. If you don't like it that tells me a lot. Don't be so fucking sensitive


Far too many asshole encounters with insecure weak-ass men in this movement (big accounts included. For some reason, more so on Anonup than on Twitter).
You call them out and these f*cked up sociopathic "warr10rs" spin your words, insult you, carry zero intelligence, speak condescendingly, behave holier-than-thou, and gaslight you with "fweedom of speech!" as if they were a child, unable to hold a conversation, scared their mother is scolding them.
It's like pulling the race card. Totally irrelevant for the situation. Yes, we are free to say as we choose, but we are not free of the consequences of those words. If you're being an asshole, I have the freedom to call you out & to share with you why.
Whew, the projection by 'our side' has been worse here than with any other platform. And it's sad to see such jerks with such high followings. They do not deserve the voice it brings. Too irresponsible w/it.
Anyway, thanks for being a great one. If only they had an ounce of that wi

Wisdom* (final word of that post! It said I was within the world count! 😂)
Only followers of this user (@HopeAlways888) can see their posts

God please do not let me be deceived. You'll get news and memes here. Watched from the sidelines 'til Jan'20, activated Aug'20
i agree. they are running on being the "cool kids" and thats not enough. it was always said "no outside comms" but people quickly think they are getting tidbits and run there like zombies to brains. who says "its time to leave twitter" and then goes back? someone who is nothing without their account. the point of this is to learn to discern truth for ourselves. following anyone blindly is still being a sheep.