Note: As of Thurs. morning 25 Feb. Paymasters and Redemption Center Staff remained at their stations ready to start at any time. The Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) Shotgun Start liquidity release was imminent, although no one was privy as to an exact time.
To discern when, do the math – according to Military Intel Contact and a US General:
On Tues. 23 Feb. the QFS switch was turned on, liquidity was released to platforms in Zurich, the fiat US Dollar collapsed and the new gold-backed US Note went active.
On Wed. 24 Feb. at 4:30 am EST QFS funds were released.
On Thurs. 25 Feb. Iraq was set to make their new Dinar rate public.
Redemption Centers have been given a schedule to do exchanges through Sat 6 March.