What do you think, AnonUp?
TWITTER / BIG TECH really didn’t like our reach did they?
We were getting viral quickly.
Someone caught onto the meaning of the handle...
New Vid coming in a.m.
Subscribe so you can be notified! Join the other 16k subscribed Patriot Warriors.

I sent you a message on Gab. Apple is under attack again by trying to force their way into the phones. Patreon is the main account they have been going after. my phone has not been updated and very little apps get updated. yet, they are still over raching their boundaries again.
when you see the blank app icon, push it, push rearrange button, then the Patreon Icon will come up again. ive done this 3 times today.

20k sub Y/T channel removed June 3 2021. Visit our website for up to date uncensored content & to join our EMAIL LIST to be notified.
We do not use apps. Must use browsers as often as possible using VPN/encryption...
Please feel free to keep us in the loop.
We DO plan to move away and ask frens to switch platforms.

Freedom loving, TRUMP supporting, Q following, God's Amazing Natural Universe Inspired, PATRIOT❗
Well done, sir❗ Love your vids💔🤍💙
