This is interesting. I know not to put too much focus on dates, but this sounds really interesting! Simply because of the Watch from Q that is set to the 27th!
By Phantom31 on GAB:
Right so we know Trump is making an announcement Sunday 28th, dare say Gesara and military in control, we know 30 days was the word from Flynn, we know 2 days ahead of schedule, leaves 28 days, we know 27th of March Trump is reinstated, which is 28 days after 28th February, we know Trump was looking forward to 1st January, we know ancient Roman calendar March is the 1st month, we know ides of March which is also a full moon that falls on the 15th. Debts gone, and we also know that they believe and the saying was March is the month of STORMS.!!!! Boom!!!!
< 4 pictures >

purim start thursday sun down into friday book of esther god intervenes uses what was planned for the jews against them boom

WORLDWIDE - Love is only truly Unconditional
Oh that is interesting.
Also I said "Ides of March" today, completely unrelated.

I have heard multiple speculations that Ides of March would be the fall of the Cabal