"Here’s your Vaccine puzzler for the day:
What do Dr. Barton Williams, Hank Aaron, and 46 elderly residents in a Spanish nursing home all have in common?
Answer— They all died shortly after getting the Covid-19 vaccine.
But let’s not jump to conclusions, after all, in every case, the media has assured us that the vaccine had nothing to do with their deaths. Do you believe that?"
Coronapocalypse; Big Pharma's Doomsday Vaccine #666, by Mike Whitney - The Unz Review
'And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat upon him was Death and Hell followed with him.' Revelation 6:8 Here's your Vaccine puzzler for the day: What do Dr. Barton Williams, Hank Aaron, and 46 elderly residents in a Spanish nursing home all have in common? Answer--- They all die..