🛫WhistleBlowers🛩 All content: "Fair Use" USC Title 17 Cpt 1 Sec 107 https://www.govregs.com/uscode/title17_chapter1_section107
Hey anons & patriots, what is our movement all about? Unity? Love?
Humanity ascending to a higher level of consciousness? In any
movement, the leaders should exemplify the basic tenets of the
movement, agreed?? That is why I am so disappionted in what
Robert David Steele said to Scott McKay in their latest interview.
He believes in universal service for "cripples & retards. F ck anyone
who can't handle that word."...which made Scott laugh. Really? I put
a comment under the video calling them out. It was removed by this
morning. RDS is so upset about censorship, yet he censors my justified
comments. See screenshot below. Unfortunately, Juan O Savin made a
similar statement in a video recently. I wrote him an email.
😡HUGE disappointment. RDS/Scott/Juan has no idea what our
community goes through Daily.
If you agree with them, please check your moral compass.
30:00 min mark👇
Watch "Robert David Steele Interview Feb 18 2021" on YouTube
They should know better. They are so busy trying to counteract cancel culture that they've forgottento be decent human beings. As the mother of an autistic 28-year-old man, I'm offended they used the word. Would they use the N word? No. The R word is just ad offensive.
🛫WhistleBlowers🛩 All content: "Fair Use" USC Title 17 Cpt 1 Sec 107 https://www.govregs.com/uscode/title17_chapter1_section107
That is exactly what I asked Juan O Savin. I challenged him to use
the N word in like manner. They don't have the Chutzpah to do that
because that community can & will fight back. Our community needs
others to stand up for them. Children are not the only issue here.
It is the group of people who are most AT RISK of exploitation in society which includes children AND the disabled . The people no one wants....
God bless you for your response. Autism = other the epidemic...🙏